Day 6. Wednesday May 3: The day of terror

View the magnificent Bedevilled in the past Festival of Sitges, wait until the meeting of ten in the evening to get our share of scares the day. The truth is that the proliferation of films in which a video camera (Canon, Philips and Sony) causes panic among the players in turn scary, has done much damage to the film terror. Paranormal Activity 2: Tokyo Night can not be seen or even as a twist on the original tape in which it is based, but merely a carbon copy, albeit with Nippon actors, the already dire film American. Insured with the audience laughter, come on, as if we were witnessing the best comedies of the day.

But before the dose of terror, noon to 2:15 p.m., we see a romance rations this year we offered the festival: Perfect Wedding ( Barbara Wong, Hong Kong, 2010) is a copy of the Hong Kong already sweetened Wedding Planner. This time is The charismatic actress Miriam Yeung responsible for preparing their dream wedding guests: a successful business woman in her thirties and well into the murky past and living love affair with a lawyer to be completed and officially marriages coming to work on your computer. A more romantic comedy set against the backdrop of the skyscrapers of Hong Kong: friendly, fun ... nothing more.

And nearly two in the morning, back to the hotel. More tomorrow. We expected the first Mongolian film that is present at the FEFF: Operation Tatar, followed by the Korean The Showdown ... Oh, and we have a meeting with Korean cinema hand with Darcy Paquet dialogue exchanged Ryoo Seung-wan and his brother Ryoo Seung-bum ... will be there to tell thee live if possible and the connection permits.
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