Lost in Udine 4: Diary of a 'antipasti' the FEFF Day 3. Sunday 01 May: Japan against Koreans Yimou and psychics
Hello, cineasiƔticos. Again, this morning has weighed the stay last night until two in the morning to the news update it from Udine and Barcelona with our partner Francisco Nieto in command of the English ship lands back. So the Thai romantic comedy A Crazy Little Thing Called Love , has been omitted. We will do it if our good friends from the Well of Sadako, who themselves have had a lot more will than us when we say about the movie: beautiful, for girls, romance ... in short, but a more charming. Our day began with breakfast because it really with the timing of movies before us, we knew for sure what time we would eat and as soon eat these Italians (who was going to say being Latinos like us?), for even if we were able to eat something safe. Fruit, toast, a zumito and a good cappuccino ... that we already carry in front.
So our first date began at 11:25 a.m. with the Japanese Shogun The Lady and Her Men , melodrama period of the TBS director Fuminori Kaneko based on a successful manga mangaka Fumi Yoshinaga (specialist Yaois-comics gay comics -). Imagine, especially girls, in the first half eighteenth century a highly contagious virus that attacks only men just over half the male population of Japan, imagine, therefore, the country's leaders are women, and the shogun is in this case Lady Shogun, and We continue to imagine: as a shortage of men, our Lady Shogun has its particular character harem with over 800 men (each more handsome) at their disposal .... Mamma Mia! For in this court so particular, comes a new "concubine" to our Lady Shogun: nothing more and nothing less than Kazunari Ninomiya (yeah, yeah, attentive fans of Arashi ), which will wreak havoc inside the flags palace ... And we do not have anything else, except that, but thanks to Arashi leader, the film in Japan has been a resounding success, so we do not go beyond a funny TV movie (with a story that could have gained much more from the director).
followed our tour of Japan with Seaside Motel, assisted in the living room of her director Kentaro Moriya FEFF presenting in her second film. With a style to the 'Tarantino' and a manga aesthetics, very pulp, Moriya tenants we had 4 rooms a filthy motel in the mountains called Seaside: a small-time gangster who just steal to his superiors, a seller of a cosmetic cream found in the motel by chance with a prostitute, a small businessman dabbling with love and marriage one, the less peculiar sexual life. All these stories converge in this strange motel in which the surreal, black comedy and hilarity are the rewards strong. Seaside Motel , promises more than the final offer ... yet, recommended. This peliculero point of travel, and we planted at 16.30h in the afternoon more or less ... and stomachs empty from 9:00 a.m. in the morning. So stop playing technique to hold until after twelve o'clock. We know that the kitchens of Italian restaurants at that time are more than closed, so we directed our steps to a wok ... of course, Asia: rolls, dumplings, sushi, tempura ... God, what a feast! And then, at the suggestion of our travel compilation, Patricia of El Pozo de Sadako (better known as Jessica Jones) ... a ice creams to finish (and how there will be no ice cream for this area ... what is ...!) .
We time because, among review mails in the press area, listening to the concert by the Festival affords us the doors of the Teatro Nuovo (a pair of guitarists enlivening the evening with music from Pulp Fiction , among other tunes that sounded), glancing third or fourth time at the shop dvds FEFF (one fall, you'll see) and a cappuccino (how good they are, please!) ... So we arrived at 8:00 p.m., time to get back into the theater, this time, see the latest work by Zhang Yimou , Under the Hawthorn Tree . As we talked about it when Gloria went to Berlin last February, we do not extend much: a romantic story full dramatic Cultural Revolution. Comercialoide film where there is not the best, even remotely, has done good Zhang Yimou. Tender, touching, nothing politically incorrect ... a pure love story in full 70's. Prepare to mourn.
And left us with our last movie of the day: Haunters of Korean Kim Min-suk , debut in the performance of the former assistant director Kim Ji-woon in A Bittersweet Life and The Good, the Bad, the Weird (which also shared the tasks of script) and of Bong Joon-ho The Host in . Promised much, was one of the tapes that we had more desire to see and after two hours of projection, reflection is: "this director have to keep track.'m Sure we'll hear about it," . Haunters has a superhero film structure (with a foreword, introduction of characters: villain, hero, assistant ..., epilogue) that unlike the vast majority of fantastic films from Korea are more concerned about revenge than to explore other issues. A show for the audience which, while not perfect by any means, leaves a feeling of have seen the birth of something (full of good ideas narrative, character development side ...). Standing ovation at the end of the pass, with Kim Min-suk thanked him from the middle row of the Teatro Nuovo.
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