Greetings Everyone has a pair of shoes that we remember for many years, or those who wanted, or who still want a lot, or we are too proud.
What does a pair of shoes that I want? Why do we want those pieces of cloth cleverly attached to leather, imitation leather, plastic, etc. with outer soles of rubber, leather, or so.?
The shoe is a human invention for protect our feet, which are now more fragile than our ancestors, the end of the limbs that needed to be covered for better performance. The shoes have now diversified and specialized in all, the designer is just because the shoe looks good and there are more technological and engineering research in design that some buildings.
There are some who will accompany you at special times, which allow you to perform feats, or why one gets hurt (read: pupfish for knee and ankle injury and bike clip sprain). But always require a pair of shoes.
I remember some of my old shoes, I love ones that have already passed away and to keep the most beloved couple. You have to see how much we owe to the shoes ...
Greetings and a hug
Photos taken from: -d.jpg